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Which Webinar Service Should I Use?

When any technology gets popular, you're going to have a lot of choices as far as which service provider you use. Whether this is your internet service provider, your web host, your autorespondent provider, and choosing a webinar provider or web seminar or webcast provider is no different.

Now the question is, which webinar service should you use to broadcast your live presentations to your audience? Should you use GoToWebinar? Adobe Connect? Dimdim? Ustream or something else?

The service I recommend above all others is GoToWebinar. It has most of the features you would want to run your web seminars. You're not going to have all the features you want but it will get the job done. It's reliable and the service is relatively bug free and inexpensive for what you get.

With GoToWebinar, you can easily run a meeting, show your screen, unmute guests, have panelists, pass the screen to other people, poll your audience, remind your audience about an upcoming webinar, send them follow-ups about a webinar that's already happened and much more. GoToWebinar's pricing starts at around $99 a month which is an easy cost to justify if your webinars can make you a few extra sales.

Adobe's version of webinar such as Adobe Connect are difficult to use and way too expensive. One thing I don't like in particular about Adobe's webinar service is that they show the chat to all attendees.

What's great about GoToWebinar is that when somebody types in a question in the question box, you're the only one who sees it and you can decide whether or not to share this question with everyone else or ignore it or delay it. One advantage of Adobe's service is that you can use a camera to show yourself presenting the webinar, but I found that I usually only care about showing my screen, not some goofy guy in his office with a headset on. Adobe's pricing structure is also very high with some plans going up to $5000 per month.

What about the service Dimdim? In my experience, Dimdim is way too hard to use. They use unfamiliar terminology with me and every time I try to join someone's Dimdim webinar, I can't figure out what the heck I'm supposed to do. Dimdim might be a good alternative in the future and I see many people going to it because it's very cheap but it's simply way too hard to use.

Ustream is a free alternative to webinars. They will allow you to get on camera and talk, and they will broadcast your live presentation to your audience and record it for you as well. But the problem with this

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11. Sep, 2010
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Don’t Fall Into These Pitfalls Of Getting People On To A Webinar

When you have a webinar, you want to get as many people as possible to show up, right?

Maybe you were doing a free webinar for your subscribers or perhaps it's a free webinar for someone else's subscribers. Or even someone has already paid you for access to some kind of training course and this webinar is a part of that training.

Either way, don't have a boring title, don't forget the reminders and solve a problem in addition to your teaching.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Don't judge your book by its cover"?

The problem is that most people do judge a book by its cover. Especially on the internet, we all have short attention spans. That means your title has to be exciting.

If you read the title of your webinar, for example, "how to design a website?", and that doesn't sound exciting but it makes you ask the question "So what?" then think of what the answer would be to the question of "So what?" If I say "how to design a website" and you say "So what?" my answer to you might be, how to create your very own web page in the next 12 minutes.

And fill it with content so you can get traffic commenter's, subscribers, and buyers.

Isn't that a lot more of an exciting title? Wouldn't you be a lot more likely to join that webinar? Than one that just says, "How to design a web page?"

Make your titles exciting, think about "so what", think about what it is for me, and think about the benefits people will get from attending your training.

But having an interesting title is not enough. Even if someone already paid money for your webinar, people are busy and people forget.

You need to remind your webinar attendees to show up. Remind them a week ahead of time, remind them a few days before, remind them the day of, remind them an hour before, and even when the webinar is live. Email your subscriber list to get them on that call.

Think about how many live webinars you have missed. It was probably because the webinar host did not follow up with you enough and remind you to show up.

And when you do present a webinar to this crowd, don't just teach. Solve a real problem for them. These comes full circle back to being interesting.
You understand the lecture, you're there to present a problem that they have and show them how you solve it and show them how they can solve it as well. Probably by doing the exact same procedure you showed.

It's okay to repeat things, or slow down, take questions, or remind them of things over and over. Because you want to make sure they get it. And that they can actually use the stuff you choose so they are just not being lectured to.

When you get people on the webinar, have an interesting title. Give them reminders and solve a problem in addition to teaching.

Find out how to get as many people you want on to your live online webinar: www.webinarcrusher.com

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11. Sep, 2010
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Mistakes Made With Free Webinars

When you run a free webinar, and present something in front of a live audience over the internet. I want you to make extra sure you avoid these three pitfalls: not having a pitch at the end, no clear teaching, and giving away all the secrets.

You deserve to get paid for your expertise. I guarantee that whatever your nudges, whatever you know, someone else doesn't know that.

And I also guarantee you that there some kind of paid prince book, eBook, membership site, or DVD video about your topic as long as it's exciting enough.

That means when you give an hour or two of your life for free, and teach people for free, it is totally okay to pitch a URL at the end. People can find out more about you. And can purchase additional training from you.

Please trust me on this and have a pitch at the end of your free webinar.

But it is important to not just have a pitch but have something you teach.

Teach people some kind of a lesson. Tell people what they're doing wrong. Think of three or four things you can talk about for now.

That will get people aware of a problem that your product solves. Or tell people the difficult way of accomplishing a task but you're paid delusion made that task easier.

But there is such a thing as too much teaching. So don't give away all the secrets. You have a video course, or a report, or a book. Don't just take the book and make a presentation out of it. Make the presentation be the PREQUEL to the book.

Give people the introductory stuff in the free webinar and now that they have some road blocks out of the way, now what they know the basics you then tell them how to get your paid product which solves all their problems.

But if you give away all your secrets on your free webinar, people would not have any reasons to buy.

So make the paid product a radical next step not the identical information as your free webinar.

And now you know to avoid those three mistakes in your free webinars: not having a pitch at the end, no clear teaching, and giving away all the secrets.

Get everything you need to know to run a paid or free webinar of your very own on any subject you choose at www.webinarcrusher.com

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10. Sep, 2010
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Avoid These Three Mistakes In Your Next Webinar Course

I've joined far too many courses that make these mistakes over and over again. They don't provide immediate results. They don't course correct. And they don't present the training in terms of benefits and outcomes.

Learn from their mistakes and make your course much better.

I know that you might have results of your own. And you might have a lot of material to teach me. But I am going to go through the material much faster and with more excitement if I know what kind of immediate results I can expect even if they're smaller first.

A friend of mine last time assured that he once ran a webinar course about list building but the hooked in that training was that he was able to collect one-hundred and thirty seven email leads in just a couple of days with two hours of work.

That might seem like a small number but that's better to have a hundred and thirty seven obtains in the first couple of days as a poster reading years and years on the hopes of getting a million obtains.

Give me something that I can apply immediately after the first class is over or preferably while the first class is still going on.

Also, course correct your students. That's the whole point of the webinar training series. I've run all kinds of classes, where during we'd want, I thought everybody wants to know a certain answer but they are really focused on something else.

For example, when I ran a membership training course, I thought everyone cared about finding ways to come up with content for that site but what they wanted instead was what plug-ins and what software she use to run that membership site.

Even though you know you think you might know your customers and you think you have all the answers. You're really just guessing. And when you customize your training to a particular crowd and suddenly becomes much more useful to them, and they get lot more results out of it.

Speaking of results, when I joined your webinar training, I want you to position the training as benefits and outcomes.

Will your class teach me a new skill? Will it help me make more money? Will it me save me from losing money? Will it give me more free time?

Lay everything out not just in terms of, "You can build the list" But, "How many subscribers I can build for that list" And, "What can I do with those subscribers once I have them."

Go ahead right now and avoid those top webinar mistakes when you're on own courses. Show people how to get immediate results even if they are small. Course correct your training based on user feedback and lay out the course itself and individual training components within that course in terms of benefits and outcomes.

Connect with your list with instant products and build a mailing list much faster using webinar technology. Find out more at www.webinarcrusher.com

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09. Sep, 2010
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Why Are Webinar PowerPoints Better Than Webinars With Mind Maps?

When you run a live online presentation or webinar, you literally can show people anything you put onto your screen. This means you can show your desktop, web browser, or any particular desktop program.

To get started, I would recommend you show people your Mind Map outlines until you get the hang of real presentations. But when you get good at webinars, you're going to want to use PowerPoints to present most of your content. Using PowerPoints in webinars allow you to dramatically display your bullet points, show exactly what you want every time, and talk as you show information.

What do I mean by dramatic bullet points? I mean, you've seen plenty of PowerPoint presentations, maybe back in school, at work, or at seminars where the presenters who are presenting it live on stage only show the bullet points one at a time on the presentation slide. This way, they can make a very specific point and then show that bullet point right there on the screen to drive the point home. For me this is way more effective than popping out a set of Mind Maps notes or even displaying an entire PowerPoint slide at once, you show the bullets one at a time.

Another reason why PowerPoint is far better than Mind Maps on webinars is because with PowerPoint, you only have to show what you want. In a Mind Map, even if you're only focusing on one area of the map, you can't help but show what's before and after. So people watching the webinar are going to be able to guess or read ahead about where your presentation is going.

One thing I like to do especially in PowerPoints is to take screenshots of some kind of software program I'm presenting about and put each screenshot on a different slide of the PowerPoint. This means I can demonstrate functionality of a piece of software and I know that every single time I demonstrate it, it's all going to go the exact same way. Nothing can break because I'm only showing screenshots and I can use this presentation not just on webinars but in real life from the stage as well.

After all, when was the last time you saw somebody on stage running back and forth from the stage to the computer to pop out the Mind Map note? Never. PowerPoint is the industry standard and that's why you should use it.

But like anything else, it's always open to abuse. Use common sense. Don't use tons of bullet points, don't use ugly templates. And whether you're now an expert at PowerPoint or a beginner with Mind Maps, use the visual aid as a tool, not as a crutch.

Get started with webinars at first using Mind Maps and then with PowerPoints at www.webinarcrusher.com/blog.

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08. Sep, 2010
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The Top Mistakes That Ruin Webinar Sales, and How You Can Overcome Them

I want to save you a lot of time frustration and let you know right now what to avoid the next time you try to sell something on a live online webinar presentation. That's not doing it having a split call to action and rushing through that sales pitch.

When you teach a group of people some kind of information, you are doing them a service. But if the ends, when you do them a little bit and don't give them a way to get more from you, you're now doing them a disservice.

That's why if you teach a free webinar about blogging, maybe you share one technique about getting a lot of people on to your blog. That's great! That's one technique. But what happens if someone applies that technique in my work. But they really don't know what to do next.

That's where you come in. After showing them how to perform this one technique for free, tell them how to get them to some kind of paid training course you offer where they can use the other techniques after the first word one has done its job.

But when I say at the end to give them one place to go, I really do mean it. That means that you have a beginner's blogging training course and an advance training course. That at the end of that webinar don't tell them you could either join the beginner course or the advance course just give them one place to go.

The confused mind never buys. Don't get people a choice either assumed their all and advance crowd or a beginner crowd. You can figure this out based on the questions and the survey results you get from them.

Make up their mind for them, give people one URL to go to. Don't share your email address, your twitter or your LinkedIn, or facebook or blog URL. Give them one single place to go at the end to continue down the path and get more training from you.

The final promo I see with people browning their own webinar sales is they rush through it. They are so inexperienced and they're so scared of asking or even a little bit of money that they take a close that is supposed to last 15 or 20 minutes and they zip through it in three minutes and no one on the call really knows what happen.

The way to get pass this is just a practice and to run webinars enough where you feel comfortable and confident to tell people where to go after this free training has in it.

Avoid those three things and you will make more webinar sales. Avoid not having a close, avoid having the split call action, and avoid rushing through it. But above all, the more you run a webinars and the more you have a sales pitch on your webinars, the better it will become overtime.

I want to train you. I want to help you to run your next training course using webinars. Go to www.webinarcrusher.com right now to find out more.

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08. Sep, 2010
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How To Use Your Webinar Recording

It's one thing to run a webinar, which is a live training call. But what do you do after? Here are four things you can do with your recording of that webinar.
Run a time limited replay, use it as membership content, offer it as a complete product or bonus to another product. Or use it as an email opt-in bribe. If people miss your webinar,
it's up to you to decide whether or not you give them a recording or a replay of that webinar. But even if you do, there's no rule that says it has to be around forever.
You want people to consume your content and take action on it as fast as possible. Which means you should only offer your webinar replay for 48 hours and then pull it from the Internet.

What do you do after you pull it? The easy thing to do is place it inside your membership site. Most membership owners I know are starving for content. But guess what, webinars are the easiest way to generate content.
If you have one hour of time free, run a webinar for one hour and save the recording. It's okay if people could attend the webinar for free live, the recording is paid. That is a different offer.
And no, you don't have to supply a transcript of the webinar.

If your webinar is really that good,it can be its own complete product. I've recorded one hour webinars and then sold them for $100 dollars and made sales. It doesn't necessarily matter how
long your webinar is but what kind of information and and how good of information and how actionable that information is. If you don't have as much confidence as me and you have a related
product or even a product you promote as an affiliate. Make that webinar recording a bonus that people get in addition to the download when they buy a product.

And finally, an unusual technique for webinar recording is to use it as a bribe, in exchange for opting-in. When people build an email list, the best way to do it is to offer a free gift. And most marketers
make the mistake of giving away a free report. That's great except for a report is boring and it takes you a long time to create. Like I said, a one hour webinar takes you one hour of time to create. A video is
much more exciting and all a webinar recording is, is a video.

Why don't you make a page, a forced opt-in page, where the only thing people can do is enter their name and email address and actually they'll do. They are redirected to a page where they can watch but not necessarily download your latest webinar. Stumped about how to use your webinar recording? Offer it as a time limited replay as membership content, as a full product
or as an opt-in bribe.

What about your next training course in sixty minutes or less at www.webinarcrusher.com

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Increase Audience Participation On Your Live Webinars, Using All Four of These Explosive Tatics

When you run a live webinar, which is an online training session. You want people to show up. But just like any class in school or presentation from a stage, or phone training.
Getting people to show up is different than getting those people who show up to participate. I want to give you easy ways to get more audience participation from your webinars.
Which is with a random drawing, calling out specific individuals, having a question and answer session, and by being exciting.

An easy tactic to make sure people remain on your webinar is to offer some kind of a bonus. I am not a fan of giving a gift to every single person who comes to the webinar because that
distracts from your clothes or the offer you are delivering at the end. Instead, do this. Before the webinar starts, give people an address where they can subscribe with their first name and email address.
And tell them that half-way through the webinar, you're gonna look at those email subscribers and pick one at random and give them some kind of a gift. That's directly related to the offer that you're giving at the end.
You're not giving away the whole offer but maybe some kind of tool they can use. For example, if you're running a webinar that teaches people how to record audio files. You might give one lucky person on the call, a free USB headset.

Next, if you recognize repeat attendees or repeat customers on the webinar or even if they ask specific questions. Call them by their first name and address their question or use
them as an example. At some point in your life, you have probably been in the audience in front of some kind of speaker who has mentioned you or used your name. Whether it's a small
group or a large group and it really makes you feel like you're part of the conversation. You can apply the same logic as a presenter. People love to hear their own names get
mentioned and they love recognition, so play to their egos.

Have a question and a answer session. If you get alot of repeat questions, address that question. If you're running a free training call, have a section where you answer everyone's
questions. The important thing here is not to let this ruin your clothes. That means that if you're not closing in on a webinar, it's ok to answer questions. If you are closing, then
present your offer, have everyone take a 5 minute break to order, come back and answer questions. But with every question you answer, close again and present the offer.

This brings me to my final point is to be exciting and not boring. You can be presenting on the best subject in the world but, if you do it in a boring way, no one's going to care.
Be excited and others will feel your excitement. Make jokes, be a real person, don't have your webinar be scripted, speak from the heart. And if people are getting bored or losing
attentiveness which you can see and go through webinar and see the percentage. Move on to a more exciting subject. Poll your audience. Get them to answer a test or a survey and figure
out what part of the webinar you should be focusing on the most.

And that's how to increase audience participation. Have a random drawing, mention specific people, answer questions, and be exciting.

Claim your training to run a live online webinar training session. www.webinarcrusher.com

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07. Sep, 2010
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Keep Your Webinar Audience Excited By Following This Advice

A webinar is a streaming video presentation. It's that simple. You can present something to the audience for free or charge them for access.

But either way, you need to keep them awake and attentive to make sure that you get the most out of your training.

That's why you should be interesting, promise benefits and then deliver those benefits, and deliver take aways.

How can you be interesting?

Listen to what your audience is asking and give them the answers. That's the big secret. Just look at what they're saying and course correct.

Most people I see who are boring are just simply oblivious to what their audience is doing. They don't realize that the audience is falling asleep or that no one cares about the tangent they're going of on. Or that the presenter is not focusing on what everybody wants.

Encourage your attendees the type, questions, and leave comments in the question box as you are presenting and check that periodically so you can be sure you are telling them what they want to know and your presentation is closer to a conversation than to a boring lecture.

Another great way to keep everyone excited is to tell them ahead of time not just what you are talking about but what they will learn and what they will get as a benefit from that information.

If I'm teaching about a web page programming, which normally is a boring subject, I can make it exciting by telling people: "I'm going to share with you four simple changes you can make to your web page. Something by copy and pasting some programming code that will instantly increase your website conversions for sales or obtains as by 10% or more without doing any work."

It's one thing that promise, but I have to make sure that I then give people four different things they can apply to their web page. Nothing's worse than promising something and not delivering. Promise them ahead of time what they will get and then give it to them.

But when you do give these benefits, make them easy to understand.

I might start of by telling them where will I get a 10% boost in conversions but then I will explain exactly what that means. It means that if they're running a forced often page for email subscriber sign ups and they normally get 100 subscribers per week, I can get that booster it to 110 subscribers per week.

And what that means for them over the long term is that instead of 5200 subscribers over the course of 1 year, they will now get 5700 subscribers. That's 500 extra email subscribers for free.

Make your benefits clear and give them something they can use right away. For example, I might explain to them all these scripts to hasten there web pages to increase conversions and one of them I might give away for free on the call. I might explain the other advice such as make your headline big, red and with quotation marks to increase conversions.

It is always important to give to people one click action item they can implement right away.

Remember to keep your audience excited on your webinar, be interesting and listen to questions, promise benefits and then deliver, and explain a clear benefit and then give an immediate take away action item for them to use.

Run webinar training sessions like a pro at www.webinarcrusher.com

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Four Ways To Increase Attendance on Your Live Webinar

When you run a webinar, people see your screen, they hear your voice, and you can read their questions and respond to them immediately.
But what good is a live webinar if no one shows up? You might as well be recording it all alone. Having an audience, especially a targeted audience on your webinar gives the final product a much
better feel. And I want to help you increase attendance on that webinar by offering replay scaracity, starting on time, applying commitment and consistency and laying out the benefits of your

First off, what is replay scaracity? The problem with live webinar is that these days everybody assumes that you are recording the webinar and distributing it to everyone. So there really
is no reason to attend. You can be different by telling people that the webinar replay will only be available a short time, if at all. This way people will know that it's in their best interest to
attend live.

Next, start the webinar on time. If you start the webinar 5 minutes late or 10 minutes late, that might be fine one time. But you are training your attendees not to show up early. Think about when
you were in school, if every class started late, you would show up late. TV shows start on time and you notice your show starting to show up on time. The same is true with your webinar training. Start
on time. Otherwise, you'll be waiting 5 minutes and then the next time 10 minutes, the next time 15 minutes to start your webinar. When you should of simply started at the time you said you did. If
people come in late, they'll know that next time they should arrive on time.

Next, you can use the principal of commitment and consistency to make sure people show up. You can ask your list or post a blog post giving people the date and time of your webinar and ask for them to RSVP,
ask if they'll show up on the webinar. People don't like to say one thing and do another. It makes them angry and it confuses them. Your attendees will not want to promise they'll be on the webinar and then not
show up. If they promise they'll be on the webinar, there's a much higher chance that they will be on that webinar as well.

And finally, make your webinar exciting. When you title your webinar, name it something that delivers a clear benefit. Let's say, you're teaching a webinar about how to record a simple video. Not very exciting, but
if you could show people how to record a 3 minute video that instantly gets seen by over a thousand people in the first day and makes at least $10 dollars per video. That's exciting. There's a clear benefit, a clear
outcome for the training you provide. Everytime you name your webinar, think about it from the point of view of your audience and ask what's in it for me. What's the exciting thing? What will people have, either a
new skill or a new bonus after getting the information you present on your webinar.

Those are four great ways to get more people to show up on your webinar. Be scarce with the replay, begin the webinar on time, use commitment and consistency to get people to promise they'll show up and deliver clear

Host your webinar right now and get up to 1000 people to attend. www.webinarcrusher.com

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06. Sep, 2010
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