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The Top Mistakes That Ruin Webinar Sales, and How You Can Overcome Them

I want to save you a lot of time frustration and let you know right now what to avoid the next time you try to sell something on a live online webinar presentation. That's not doing it having a split call to action and rushing through that sales pitch.

When you teach a group of people some kind of information, you are doing them a service. But if the ends, when you do them a little bit and don't give them a way to get more from you, you're now doing them a disservice.

That's why if you teach a free webinar about blogging, maybe you share one technique about getting a lot of people on to your blog. That's great! That's one technique. But what happens if someone applies that technique in my work. But they really don't know what to do next.

That's where you come in. After showing them how to perform this one technique for free, tell them how to get them to some kind of paid training course you offer where they can use the other techniques after the first word one has done its job.

But when I say at the end to give them one place to go, I really do mean it. That means that you have a beginner's blogging training course and an advance training course. That at the end of that webinar don't tell them you could either join the beginner course or the advance course just give them one place to go.

The confused mind never buys. Don't get people a choice either assumed their all and advance crowd or a beginner crowd. You can figure this out based on the questions and the survey results you get from them.

Make up their mind for them, give people one URL to go to. Don't share your email address, your twitter or your LinkedIn, or facebook or blog URL. Give them one single place to go at the end to continue down the path and get more training from you.

The final promo I see with people browning their own webinar sales is they rush through it. They are so inexperienced and they're so scared of asking or even a little bit of money that they take a close that is supposed to last 15 or 20 minutes and they zip through it in three minutes and no one on the call really knows what happen.

The way to get pass this is just a practice and to run webinars enough where you feel comfortable and confident to tell people where to go after this free training has in it.

Avoid those three things and you will make more webinar sales. Avoid not having a close, avoid having the split call action, and avoid rushing through it. But above all, the more you run a webinars and the more you have a sales pitch on your webinars, the better it will become overtime.

I want to train you. I want to help you to run your next training course using webinars. Go to right now to find out more.

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08. Sep, 2010
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