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Mistakes Made With Free Webinars

When you run a free webinar, and present something in front of a live audience over the internet. I want you to make extra sure you avoid these three pitfalls: not having a pitch at the end, no clear teaching, and giving away all the secrets.

You deserve to get paid for your expertise. I guarantee that whatever your nudges, whatever you know, someone else doesn't know that.

And I also guarantee you that there some kind of paid prince book, eBook, membership site, or DVD video about your topic as long as it's exciting enough.

That means when you give an hour or two of your life for free, and teach people for free, it is totally okay to pitch a URL at the end. People can find out more about you. And can purchase additional training from you.

Please trust me on this and have a pitch at the end of your free webinar.

But it is important to not just have a pitch but have something you teach.

Teach people some kind of a lesson. Tell people what they're doing wrong. Think of three or four things you can talk about for now.

That will get people aware of a problem that your product solves. Or tell people the difficult way of accomplishing a task but you're paid delusion made that task easier.

But there is such a thing as too much teaching. So don't give away all the secrets. You have a video course, or a report, or a book. Don't just take the book and make a presentation out of it. Make the presentation be the PREQUEL to the book.

Give people the introductory stuff in the free webinar and now that they have some road blocks out of the way, now what they know the basics you then tell them how to get your paid product which solves all their problems.

But if you give away all your secrets on your free webinar, people would not have any reasons to buy.

So make the paid product a radical next step not the identical information as your free webinar.

And now you know to avoid those three mistakes in your free webinars: not having a pitch at the end, no clear teaching, and giving away all the secrets.

Get everything you need to know to run a paid or free webinar of your very own on any subject you choose at

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10. Sep, 2010
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