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Keep Your Webinar Audience Excited By Following This Advice

A webinar is a streaming video presentation. It's that simple. You can present something to the audience for free or charge them for access.

But either way, you need to keep them awake and attentive to make sure that you get the most out of your training.

That's why you should be interesting, promise benefits and then deliver those benefits, and deliver take aways.

How can you be interesting?

Listen to what your audience is asking and give them the answers. That's the big secret. Just look at what they're saying and course correct.

Most people I see who are boring are just simply oblivious to what their audience is doing. They don't realize that the audience is falling asleep or that no one cares about the tangent they're going of on. Or that the presenter is not focusing on what everybody wants.

Encourage your attendees the type, questions, and leave comments in the question box as you are presenting and check that periodically so you can be sure you are telling them what they want to know and your presentation is closer to a conversation than to a boring lecture.

Another great way to keep everyone excited is to tell them ahead of time not just what you are talking about but what they will learn and what they will get as a benefit from that information.

If I'm teaching about a web page programming, which normally is a boring subject, I can make it exciting by telling people: "I'm going to share with you four simple changes you can make to your web page. Something by copy and pasting some programming code that will instantly increase your website conversions for sales or obtains as by 10% or more without doing any work."

It's one thing that promise, but I have to make sure that I then give people four different things they can apply to their web page. Nothing's worse than promising something and not delivering. Promise them ahead of time what they will get and then give it to them.

But when you do give these benefits, make them easy to understand.

I might start of by telling them where will I get a 10% boost in conversions but then I will explain exactly what that means. It means that if they're running a forced often page for email subscriber sign ups and they normally get 100 subscribers per week, I can get that booster it to 110 subscribers per week.

And what that means for them over the long term is that instead of 5200 subscribers over the course of 1 year, they will now get 5700 subscribers. That's 500 extra email subscribers for free.

Make your benefits clear and give them something they can use right away. For example, I might explain to them all these scripts to hasten there web pages to increase conversions and one of them I might give away for free on the call. I might explain the other advice such as make your headline big, red and with quotation marks to increase conversions.

It is always important to give to people one click action item they can implement right away.

Remember to keep your audience excited on your webinar, be interesting and listen to questions, promise benefits and then deliver, and explain a clear benefit and then give an immediate take away action item for them to use.

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07. Sep, 2010
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