1 0 Archive | October, 2010
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What To Do On Your Next Guest Webinar

A guest webinar is where you contact another marketer in the same niche as you. You tell them, "I want to teach your list something and I want to solve their problems.' You take those questions and create a presentation that you then present to that group of subscribers on a live webinar or training session over the Internet. But how do you ensure that your presentation is well received and more importantly, that you convert those attendees into buyers?

First, make sure that your presentation is a good match for that list or those subscribers. Teach lots of stuff, answer a lot of questions and have a big enthusiastic pitch at the end. When I present this webinar, it was a perfect match for the list. In fact, what happened was the list owner asked their subscribers what they wanted to know. I took their responses and created a presentation.

But I had so much to say in the presentation that I couldn't fit it all into 90 minutes. I then took the leftover material and turned it into a simple 5-page handout but I kept adding to it and I was so excited about that it actually turned into a full blown report. It was over 20 pages long and I made it a paid report.

What happened then was I presented the webinar and answered some of the questions, answered the most basic easy to explain questions and at the end, transitioned into this big pitch. But in the meantime, I taught lots of stuff, explained lots of examples and even answered live questions on the webinar to make sure that my responses made a lot of sense.

Once I've delivered all that value and explained many different problems away, the pitch at the end was the perfect answer to their remaining issues. And the best part about it was by answering the simple questions first, it led more advanced questions so I was getting the beginners, trains and ready for the material contained in the paid report.

When you run a guest webinar, it's important to have the person you're running the guest webinar for to ask their subscribers what their problem is, what they would like to solve, what's holding them back and then create your presentation or at least change it slightly to address these questions. You don't have to go crazy like I did and create an entire report out of their questions but at least position your offer so that now you have taken the beginners to the intermediate level, your paid offer takes them to the next level.

Get the ins and out of running a pre-recorded webinar, live webinar or even a guest webinar at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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31. Oct, 2010
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Get Maximum Participation In A Webinar Class.

If you are running your own webinars, you are already ahead of most marketers online. If those webinars have people attending, you're even further ahead. But the next roadblock might be to get audience members not just to attend, not just to be alert but also participate in a webinar and in a multiple-week webinar class. To encourage audience participation, offer a challenge at the end of each lesson. Offer a deadline to promise and a finish and give a Q&A session as a reward.

A challenge means that after a particular webinar session is over, you assign them homework only it's more exciting and easier than homework. Give people a simple task to complete and give them some kind of a prize in exchange for finishing. If you are running a class about how to get a hardcover book published and the first class explains how to outline that book, the challenge might be to outline their first three chapters. If someone completes this assignment, they'll show you that they understand how to outline the book and they're well on their way to completing that outline.

It's important to make it an easy challenge and to make it fun. But how do you make sure they finish it? People need hand holding and what you should do is first make them promise they'll complete it. Make them promise they'll complete the steps but give a deadline to leave the promise. In other words, give people 48 hours to enter the challenge and tell you they will take it. After 48 hours, they can no longer take part in the challenge.

What happens here is people put themselves out there and write down that they will do the challenge and now if they fail to complete it they will feel guilty. They will look foolish and get embarrassed. So, it's in their best interest now that they've taken this first step of promising to now complete the challenge that they said they would do. After they have promised the challenge and the deadline has passed, make them specify a deadline in which they'll finish the challenge preferably within the next seven days. This way, they can complete the task while it's still fresh on their mind and they are still excited about doing this task.

Let's look at what's happened here. They've promised to finish but now how you get them to actually finish offer a reward. The best reward I've ever given is an additional one hour Q&A or question and answer webinar and all you do is answer the questions they came across while completing the challenge.

Do this every single week of your course and at the end of the course, post class rankings. For example, if someone completed six out of eight of the challenges, post their name in the list. Sort the list so that the people who completed the most number of challenges are at the top and those who completed the least number are at the bottom. This way, people will compete for status the same way people in high school or college compete for class ranking and the chance to become valedictorian.

To get maximum participation in a webinar class offer an easy challenge, make them promise a deadline to finish and offer a Q&A call as a reward.

Run your own webinar class and get your students to surprise and shock you by taking action at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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30. Oct, 2010
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Mistakes From a Failed Pitch Webinar That You Can Learn From

A pitch webinar is where you not only stream your screen and your voice to a group of people over the Internet, you give them free information and at the end present them with a paid offer. But it's very easy to mess this up and that's why I want to tell you about a failed pitch webinar and what mistakes you should avoid to avoid repeating history. When I gave my least successful pitch webinar, I presented the webinar as a mind map, I was uptight about the higher price and my list was not trained for that high price.

First, what the heck is a mind map? You might have seen PowerPoint presentations in the past where you can flip through slides and show bullet points on a screen. But a mind map is where you have different font bubbles that are connected. In other words, you see a big tree of information shown on the screen at the same time and while this might be useful to teach a certain subject, when you are trying to present an offer in front of someone, the problem with mind maps is that they can read ahead. That means if you're presenting some valuable information then transitioning into a sales pitch, there is no transition because everyone can see the pitch coming a mile away.

Instead of mind maps, use PowerPoint for pitch webinars. I also was not very experienced with offering a high price on a webinar. It's just human nature that if you are not used to asking people for lots of money and you are not used to justifying a very good offer in comparison to a low price point, you're going to be nervous.

In this case, we were giving at least $5,000 worth of information in exchange for a $1,000 payment. But $1,000 is still a lot of money to ask for and until you run a couple of pitch webinars, you're going to be awkward and a little nervous about offering something at a high price.

It's also not just you. It's your audience. If your audience does not have $1,000 to spend then all the selling in the world is not going to convert them. If your subscribers are used to you giving them a lot of free offers or $20 offers, making the jump to $1,000 is going to be difficult without a lot of buildup – meaning a lot of email pre-selling before the webinar. If you are pitching something for $1,000 you should have your subscribers expecting you to charge $2,000 or $3,000 and then the $1,000 price point is a welcome surprise. They shouldn't be expecting $50 and getting $1,000.

In your next pitch webinar, learn from my three mistakes. Present with PowerPoint instead of mind mapping software, run through your presentation a few times to get used to asking for a high price and train your list through pre-selling to expect a higher price than the one you're going to give.

Run pitch webinars and learn from the best webinar presenters on the Internet: www.webinarcrusher.com

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29. Oct, 2010
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Ensure That Your Next Pitch Webinar Is Your Best Yet

The best pitch webinar I ever gave was made up of four components, a PowerPoint, a pitch, a pause and a Q&A session. A pitch webinar means you are broadcasting a free lesson to a group of people and at the end present them with an offer to buy additional webinar training from you. Make sure your next pitch webinar has these components.

The first important thing is that you should present a pitch webinar using PowerPoint. I have tried presenting a pitch webinar with no presentation with mind maps and with PowerPoint and the last one works the best. It makes you teach people a lesson so they can justify the time they spent with you and see real value in your information.

Pitch at the end so that you can be sure everyone on the call saw your offer and had enough information to make a buying decision. Once you've given that message, pause the call. Leave the call for five minutes, tell everyone to make their purchase to finish checking out and that you'll be back to answer any last minute questions but only for the people who bought. Leave the call for five minutes, come back and if there are no questions, simply close a final time. If there are questions, close with each question.

You might have three objections such as, "The price is too high," "I don't believe you can do what you say," and, "What is your refund policy?" and you would explain the answer to the first question and then give them the URL again. Explain the second objection, give the URL and then explain the third objection and give the URL one last time and closeout the call.

In your pitch, it's important to have all the same elements of a sales letter. Have a shocking statement, give them lots of proof and deliver huge benefits so that they know when they join your course the value they get in return is much greater than the money they put in. And in your teaching and your pitch, make sure there's lots of buildup and course correction to objections.

For example, a common objection is price. That's why when you pitch your offer, break it down the individual pieces and give each one a value in terms of what it delivers or time saves and when you total up all of those components, the price is much more believable. In your next pitch webinar, teach with PowerPoint, pitch at the end, pause and then come back for a question and answer session.

Get the exact formula I use every week to close a bunch of prospects into an offer at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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28. Oct, 2010
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What To Do If Your Webinar Series Is A Failure

We can't hit homeruns every single time we run a live online webinar training course. So, today I want to tell you about a webinar launch that failed, how I recovered and how you can as well.

I teamed up with someone to run a webinar course on a topic we both liked a lot. It was called The Blog Invasion System and it was a procedure to leave blog comments, make videos and take other actions to get into someone's inner circle, get trust from them and contribute to the conversation of their own community, their form or blog. But even though we liked it a lot, it was not a success.

A big reason for that was because it was difficult to explain. There were many parts of the system and different people could use it in different ways. But the classes I've run that took off, that people bought in and liked were ones where there was a very straightforward step-by-step procedure and step-by-step results. It's difficult to explain what it means to have a big following.

It's hard to justify all the work that goes into leaving form post, making videos and blog comments and what you get back in return which is people like you, people know you, people trust you. But how does that equal into dollars? How do people justify getting the money back they paid end of the course? It wasn't very clear.

Even though we both liked this topic but not everyone was willing to pay money for it, what did we do? We didn't give up. This was important. We did not close the class or refund the money. We still taught the class as usual and we did have some buyers which now we had a tighter, more close knit community where we could un-mute every student on the call and they could all contribute or ask questions in seconds instead of having to type them out or wait for us to get to the questions.

Then after the class was over, we knew that the class would not sell well even as a monthly membership site so we took the recordings and created them as bonus content for a similar membership site. This means that people would join the more popular membership site with a specific goal about making videos but after the video training was finished, they would get this added bonus of the Blog Invasion System. This bonus class still had useful information. It just wasn't very exciting so people would buy into the exciting class then they get the non-exciting class as a bonus.

When you run a webinar course and it flunks, don't give up. The reason might be that even though the topic is your passion, it's difficult to explain, it's not what people wants, and it's tough to identify the result.

Launch your very own webinar course – finally – with my help at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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27. Oct, 2010
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The Ingredients To Having A Successful Webinar Course

Nobody wants their next online webinar class to be a failure. They want it to succeed. That's why you should model the best webinar courses out there and I'm going to explain what I did right in my most successful webinar course.

I taught about an exciting, hot topic. I had tons of proof and I offered a very clear result for students who attended the course. It's easy to make a course about about a subject that you will like a lot but that doesn't necessarily mean that a lot of people want to know about it or that they're willing to pay a lot of money about it.

Look on forms, look at what kind of classes or high ticket home study courses your competitors are teaching and offer something similar but in a much better way. Add your own slant to it. How do you add your own slant to webinar training?

Proof. If you're in the personal fitness niche and one of your competitors is running a webinar class about how to exercise.

Teach it better. Teach people how to lose weight or get stronger or get healthier with the minimum amount of exercise possible and use your own proof, be your own case study to show that this is possible.

That leads me to the final necessary component of a successful webinar course, making it very clear what the results will be. On one of my classes, I told people that after the eight-week training was finished, they would have three profitable blogs set up.

If you're in an exercise niche, tell people that if they follow your instructions then by the end of the eight weeks, they will have lost 8 lbs. or are now motivated to exercise 10 minutes per day. But make sure that this result is true and reasonable for your students. Not everyone wants to make a million dollars or get a million subscribers or lose 100 lbs. Just show them how to get $100, 50 subscribers or lose 5 lbs.

Those are the things your successful webinar course should contain, an exciting topic that's on everyone's minds right now, proof and a very clear result for students who take your class.

Run your very own webinar class about any topic you want at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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26. Oct, 2010
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Get People Into Your Low Ticket Live Webinar Training Course

When you offer a webinar course or a series of webinars, people hear your voice and they see what's on your screen. You might be tempted to price a webinar at the same price range as a report or eBook. But you do not want to do this. Your time is valuable and your expertise as a live person answering questions is even more valuable.

You should almost never offer live training for under $197. Why $197 or higher? Because when you price low, students are not as motivated to complete the tasks you put out for them because there is not as much urgency to earn their money back. You'll also have to have a bigger class in order to make the same amount of money which means you can't apply the same level of personal attention to each individual student.

When I have run low ticket webinars, meaning the $200 range, I had the highest refund rate out of all the price points at 25% refund rate. And when I split up the $200 course into multiple payments, many people skipped the last payment. Either they cancelled their subscription or the payment bounced. On the other hand, if you skipped the payment plan and get everybody to make one single payment in order to get access, you're going to find they have to a tiny bit more work to get them in but once they are in, they will stay in and you'll make more money.

It's also better to price on a higher side because you could have a smaller class and easily keep track of your individual students. When I ran a webinar course for $200, I had to get 100 students to buy in order to justify the time I put in the training course. That meant that I could not pick on individual students and make sure they're completing their assignments so that class had the worst results. And because very few people took the class seriously, it was made up of the worst customers.

Do yourself a favor and run your first webinar at $200 but quickly run bigger and better webinars at higher price points so you can come up with better content and more personal interaction.

Discover the perfect formula for running your own one-time webinar or ongoing webinar training class at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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25. Oct, 2010
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What Does It Take To Fill Up A High Ticket $997 Webinar Class?

Your training is valuable. You should be paid a lot for the unique information you have to give and the how-to advice that can take people from the knowledge they have now to the skills they want to have. What does it take to get people to understand that your training is so valuable that they should pay $1,000 to get access to it? A pitch webinar, physical bonus and over delivery.

A pitch webinar converts better than any written sales letter or any video sales letter I have ever given. That's just because you can overcome objections live on a pitch webinar. You can push them to go and buy right now because you are talking to them live. There is no delay like with the email. They didn't get the message yesterday or two days ago, they got the message seconds ago and they need to go right now.

What really helped to get people on that pitch webinar and disarm as many objections as possible was with a long pre-launch process. If I'm offering a mid-ticket webinar class such as the $200 to $500 range, I might only need a one week pre-launch. If my webinar is promoting a $50 to $100 product, I won't even need a pre-launch. But if you're asking people to hand over $1,000 you definitely need to get them ready for it.

Offering a physical bonus helps drive that price point higher because physical things actually cost money. For example, if someone bought into your $1,000 training course and you gave them as a bonus a $200 flip camera, it feels like they're only paying $800.

So, why would you ship them a physical bonus? You want to give them the most complete training possible. So, if you're training involves usage of a flip camera, it only makes sense that you would send it to them. A physical bonus also works as a refund killer. When you're selling digital products, it's far too easy for people to ask for refunds but when you send them a physical item in the mail, you can require that they mail this item back to you before getting a refund. Many people who want to get a refund out of laziness will now think twice because they have to pack up the item in a box and ship it back to you.

And finally, to make sure they are totally satisfied with their purchase over delivery. Create bonus videos and audios to the point where it almost does not feel worth their while. Why would you want to put too much work into a live webinar class? Because you're going to later turn it into a monthly membership site where the content is dripped out at a much slower rate and it would be good to have as much content as possible to spread evenly over a six month period.

That's why you should offer a high ticket class and how you can ensure people buy into that high ticket class. Have a pitch webinar with a two week pre-launch, offer a physical bonus as a refund killer and offer enough bonus material to make it extra valuable with enough stuff to spread out into a monthly membership site.

Join this easy webinar training at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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24. Oct, 2010
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