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What Does It Take To Fill Up A High Ticket $997 Webinar Class?

Your training is valuable. You should be paid a lot for the unique information you have to give and the how-to advice that can take people from the knowledge they have now to the skills they want to have. What does it take to get people to understand that your training is so valuable that they should pay $1,000 to get access to it? A pitch webinar, physical bonus and over delivery.

A pitch webinar converts better than any written sales letter or any video sales letter I have ever given. That's just because you can overcome objections live on a pitch webinar. You can push them to go and buy right now because you are talking to them live. There is no delay like with the email. They didn't get the message yesterday or two days ago, they got the message seconds ago and they need to go right now.

What really helped to get people on that pitch webinar and disarm as many objections as possible was with a long pre-launch process. If I'm offering a mid-ticket webinar class such as the $200 to $500 range, I might only need a one week pre-launch. If my webinar is promoting a $50 to $100 product, I won't even need a pre-launch. But if you're asking people to hand over $1,000 you definitely need to get them ready for it.

Offering a physical bonus helps drive that price point higher because physical things actually cost money. For example, if someone bought into your $1,000 training course and you gave them as a bonus a $200 flip camera, it feels like they're only paying $800.

So, why would you ship them a physical bonus? You want to give them the most complete training possible. So, if you're training involves usage of a flip camera, it only makes sense that you would send it to them. A physical bonus also works as a refund killer. When you're selling digital products, it's far too easy for people to ask for refunds but when you send them a physical item in the mail, you can require that they mail this item back to you before getting a refund. Many people who want to get a refund out of laziness will now think twice because they have to pack up the item in a box and ship it back to you.

And finally, to make sure they are totally satisfied with their purchase over delivery. Create bonus videos and audios to the point where it almost does not feel worth their while. Why would you want to put too much work into a live webinar class? Because you're going to later turn it into a monthly membership site where the content is dripped out at a much slower rate and it would be good to have as much content as possible to spread evenly over a six month period.

That's why you should offer a high ticket class and how you can ensure people buy into that high ticket class. Have a pitch webinar with a two week pre-launch, offer a physical bonus as a refund killer and offer enough bonus material to make it extra valuable with enough stuff to spread out into a monthly membership site.

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24. Oct, 2010
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