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Ensure That Your Next Pitch Webinar Is Your Best Yet

The best pitch webinar I ever gave was made up of four components, a PowerPoint, a pitch, a pause and a Q&A session. A pitch webinar means you are broadcasting a free lesson to a group of people and at the end present them with an offer to buy additional webinar training from you. Make sure your next pitch webinar has these components.

The first important thing is that you should present a pitch webinar using PowerPoint. I have tried presenting a pitch webinar with no presentation with mind maps and with PowerPoint and the last one works the best. It makes you teach people a lesson so they can justify the time they spent with you and see real value in your information.

Pitch at the end so that you can be sure everyone on the call saw your offer and had enough information to make a buying decision. Once you've given that message, pause the call. Leave the call for five minutes, tell everyone to make their purchase to finish checking out and that you'll be back to answer any last minute questions but only for the people who bought. Leave the call for five minutes, come back and if there are no questions, simply close a final time. If there are questions, close with each question.

You might have three objections such as, "The price is too high," "I don't believe you can do what you say," and, "What is your refund policy?" and you would explain the answer to the first question and then give them the URL again. Explain the second objection, give the URL and then explain the third objection and give the URL one last time and closeout the call.

In your pitch, it's important to have all the same elements of a sales letter. Have a shocking statement, give them lots of proof and deliver huge benefits so that they know when they join your course the value they get in return is much greater than the money they put in. And in your teaching and your pitch, make sure there's lots of buildup and course correction to objections.

For example, a common objection is price. That's why when you pitch your offer, break it down the individual pieces and give each one a value in terms of what it delivers or time saves and when you total up all of those components, the price is much more believable. In your next pitch webinar, teach with PowerPoint, pitch at the end, pause and then come back for a question and answer session.

Get the exact formula I use every week to close a bunch of prospects into an offer at:

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28. Oct, 2010
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