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Why You Need To Present Webinars In 640×480 Screen Resolution

When you are conducting a live training session online, you should have a screen that is viewable by a wide range of audiences, and when you record the viewing that the audience can also watch it. So, in saying this you should present your webinars in lowest possible size screen, and that is 640 x 480, and record the actual webinar in a full screen instead of a small area. The reason for this is you will then have a small file size, which makes it easier to reproduce and one that you can upload easily on a webpage.

As you are recording in 640 x 480 size, the recording will be small, in comparison to the large video. When you record a webinar that is two big, you will have a video that is quite large. If you are planning on people, to have these videos to be downloaded, you should make them smaller, so that they can download them a lot quicker. You can also process it on your computer a lot quicker, especially if you need to do any edits.

The other benefit to recording it in a smaller scaler, and in full screen mode, you will be able to easily see what the recording will look like. When you record in single window you will not see the webinar very clear, and you wont really see what the webinar will really look like. However, if you record in full screen then you will see what the other audience is going to see.

Finally, when you do record, you should probably know that most people wont see the video recording in a full screen. It is a large file recording, you will have to edit it, to fit on either a web page, or for someone who has a smaller screen, so that they can view it. Even when you do record it in a small resolution, you still may have to size it down if you are going to upload it on a webpage.

When you do record large, and then try to size it down you wont be able to see a clear picture, everything will be tiny including the text. The presentation will look extremely different to what was viewed when it was live. This is why you need to conduct your live feed in a 640 x 480 resolution screen. It allows your screen to be a smaller size. You are recording the webinar the way they would see the broadcast, and it is much easier to resize it down to upload and show it on a website. If you need any extra training you can visit:

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14. Feb, 2011
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