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What Would You Tell Me To Make Me Feel More Confident About Webinars?

The biggest problem with webinars is that if you've never done one, it's scary. On the other hand, if you've done one or two, it's one of the easiest ways to present in the world. I want to get you over that hump and make you confident with webinars by sharing a few quick tips with you and those are that making the stakes is good. People will respect you more from webinar and you'll relate better than from any other medium.

Making mistakes is a good thing. You read right. No matter what you do, you're going to have your share of successes and failures and you need to get through the bad part to get to the good part. It makes sense, doesn't it? You're never going to be prepared in the future unless your PowerPoint fails. You're never going to be prepared unless your guest doesn't show up. You need to be ready to think on your feet because you are running a live presentation.

We've all been at that point where we had something to say and in the middle of the sentence, we got stuck. And you know what? Some of those us are covered, some of us didn't. I'd rather be the person who knows how to recover from getting stuck than the person who never got stuck. Even if you mess up on your webinar, it's okay. People will respect you more just because you are putting yourself out there. You're not writing a report trying to edit all the words. You're not giving them a prerecorded video where you can start over if you messed up, it's live. You say the wrong thing, you need to pause for a second. It doesn't matter, it's live. Plenty of times I've been on a webinar, opened up a web browser to demonstrate a particular URL and the URL failed. I simply moved on and people didn't care all that much. When you show yourself as a real human being and occasionally mess up, you will relate better with your audience.

Think about how most people interact on the internet. They interact via text. If it's from social networking, if it's from emails or forms, every now and then some of these medias will show a picture of the person but it doesn't really get inside their head. It doesn't really convey that person's voice. When you talk one on one with someone or at least when you broadcast your voice live on a webinar, they are hearing the person that you really are. That means they will be more forgiving of you, they'll listen to you more closely and when you have something to offer, they'll be more likely to check it out.

That's what I would tell you to get you more confident about webinars. That making mistakes is good, that people will respect you more and you'll relate better when you make mistakes on a live webinar. I give you permission to make mistakes. Go ahead right now and make all the mistakes you can so you'll get better at making products, at getting traffic, and at getting sales at

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18. Aug, 2010
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