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What Do I Tell Someone Who Missed The Webinar

It doesn’t matter how much you promote a webinar to the viewers.  You are never going to have 100% of the people who register actually attend the webinar.  When one of those people who missed the webinar contacts you, what should you tell them?  Should you tell them you’re going to run the webinar again—that you will have a replay?  And why are you going to give the answer that you’ll give?  We’re going to figure all that out right now.

First of all, rebroadcast or redoing the same webinar over and over again is not worth your time.  It’s better to run a live webinar, record it, then have the recording available somewhere else.  That way, you get the best of both worlds.  When people are on the call live, they have that urgency and that live interaction but at any points, they can watch the recording.  That way, they don’t have to get distracted by taking notes and they can still get any information they might have missed if they showed up late or missed a spot or even simply weren’t paying attention.

When you record a webinar, you now have a replay and the question begs, “What are you going to do with that replay?”  The simple answer is you can have it be either a free or paid replay.  Whichever you do is up to you.  When you have a free replay, it means out in the open, anyone can watch it.  But, you don’t have to stop there.  You can make the replay not have fast-forward controls.  That way, people have to watch it the same exact way as they watched the webinar.  You can have that replay redirect people to a certain URL after the replay is over with.  You can put that replay behind a forced opt-in page which means people have to type in their name and e-mail address to get the replay.  And you can even have the preview play expire after a certain amount of time which means it goes away in 24 or 48 hours.

What I like to do, in fact, is not you can make the replay free.  When I promote a course at the end of my webinar, I will put the replay inside that course and now people have to buy to get the replay of the webinar.  They might have missed a few things but in order to get 100% of the training, they have to buy another course.  Why do you do this?  Why would you not rebroadcast or be stingy with the free or paid replay?  The simple answer is you want people to attend live and you want to train them for that.

How many times have you signed up for someone’s webinar and not even made a point to show up?  You knew that the person was going to be sending you a replay so you didn’t bother to attend.  You don’t want your subscribers to have the same attitude.  You want to train them to attend live and realize they will gain something if they come on time and miss something if they don’t.  That’s what you can tell someone who missed the webinar.  First of all, don’t do rebroadcast.  Do have paid replays but if you have to offer a free replay, either only offer it for a certain amount of time; make it difficult to watch, for example don’t have fast-forward; and even consider putting it behind a forced opt-in page.

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13. Jun, 2010
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