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What Are The Top Technological Webinar Mistakes And How Can I Avoid Them?

I understand that running a live online webinar might be scary. You don't just have the confidence issues to deal with, there's also the technology barrier, and figuring out how to work all of the controls.

There is some learning curve to it but I want to share with you a few tips that I wish someone had told me when I started so I could shortcut a lot of headings.

Make sure your screen is of right size, practice the PowerPoint, and practice your audio.

Not everyone has the same size of the screen that you do. I know you might have a twenty-five-inch wide screen monitor and the presentation might look great on your monitor but people might be watching it in a small window or on a small screen.

That's why you should size your screen down as small as it will go to accommodate all screen sizes. Also remember that if you are recording this webinar, you will be embedding it on a web page or adding it to a DVD and it's going to appear smaller than you are presenting it.

Size your screens to the smallest size possible even if the text look giant, even if the screen looks stretch out. Play the recording later, and you'll see that it records just fine, even though it might look funny on your monitor.

On many webinars, I have seen the presenter not know how to start the PowerPoint presentation or the PowerPoint presentation simply would mess up. This is all the more reason to practice your webinar exactly as you were presenting it.

Which means start an actual webinar session just don't invite anyone to it. Start your PowerPoint, speak through every single slide to figure out how long your presentation will be and you will thank me later for this.

Morpheus laws says that anything that can go wrong probably well and this is why you should rehearse to make sure that as few things as possible do go wrong.

And another big thing that goes wrong about is people cannot hear the audio. You need to have someone else sit on the call with you even for a minute just to make sure people can hear you.

When you roan an ease live make sure you ask your audience if they can hear you to make sure that your voice is being heard literally.

But above all, whether your issues is the screen size, PowerPoint, or the audio, practice everything especially the day of the webinar to make sure your audio is working, your PowerPoint is working, your screen is on the right size, and keep it simple. You don't necessarily have to show multiple screens, play lots of videos or unmute everyone on the call. Just do the bare minimum because that ensures that as few things as possible will go wrong.

Watch step by step videos showing you exactly how to run your very own webinar at

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13. Sep, 2010
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