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Webinar Mistakes: Split Call to Action

When you run a webinar, people see your computer screen live and also see your voice live. It's a fantastic way of not just sharing information, but directing people where to go in the form of personal challenges and sales pitches. You can present a PowerPoint or your screen live, and stream that presentation (including your voice) to your attendees as you speak. But with webinars, you aren't limited just to teaching. You can also end that one hour or two hour webinar presentation, with a sales pitch or a close.

What's a close, you ask? It's the sales pitch at the end. The presentation about what deal you are going to cut these attendees at the end of the webinar. Many people get this wrong. They either go to one extreme, which is to run a "pitchfest" where there is no teaching. Or they are at the other extreme, where they share lots of good information but fail to share a link to get more continuing education.

The whole webinar should all be building to one single URL at the end. Preferably, the name of your webinar is the same as the name of the product (it doesn't have to be) and the URL is a .com domain name. Don't give your audience any URLs with folders, give them a top level domain name to type in and go to. You can afford the 8 dollars to get a redirect domain.

I can't be clear enough when I say, at the end, give people ONE place to go. Don't share your email address, phone number, Twitter name, blog URL at the end, just give them that one URL where they can go and buy. Don't toss in "just one extra URL" for something else. One URL, that's it!

When you have this single call to action, your webinar will be extremely targeted. Everything you say will be for the purpose of tackling one more objection or move everybody one step closer to typing in that URL and going to buy. You're going to reduce the confusion about where to go next and what URL to type in... and best of all, it will make you look more confident to your audience.

Just like your emails, blog posts and sales letters... your webinar needs to point to ONE single URL at the end. Keep this in mind the next time you host a live online event.

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24. Nov, 2010
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