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Webinar Discounts

As someone who is planning your own webinar, you have no doubt attended many training sessions or other webinars in preparation for making your own. It is probable that during some of these sessions the presenters offered discounts on products, services or memberships.

Is this a good idea?

Sometimes discounts can be an effective marketing tool; for example, when you are a new company or when you are offering a new product or service.

The discount can help increase interest in the product that you are promoting. If you offer a discount, it is a good idea to let customers know that this is a short-term discount and only for those who purchase quickly. This encourages early-bird shoppers.

You need to careful that you do not lead your customers into believing that you will always discount your price. If you discount all of the time you will lead people to think that your products are only worth the discounted price. This is not something that you want to do as it diminishes the perceived value of what you offer.

There are better and more effective ways of promoting your products and services than using discounts.

Instead of lowering the price of your product, add more value to it so that it seems a good value at the full price.

For example, if you are offering a course in hula dancing you could add information on Hawaiian music or language. I'm sure you get the point. To ensure that the addition is of real value to your customer, it must be something that meshes with your main product. A course in yodeling would probably not be of much interest to the person learning hula dancing!

Make sure that you are pricing your product in a way that accurately reflects its value and the value of other similar products available. If you do this consistently then your customers will not expect a discount and will purchase your new products at the full price. You will then have an established customer base that is happy with your product or service and happy with your prices.

Remember, discounts can be an effective marketing tool for new companies or goods or services. Make any discounts for a short period of time to encourage early shoppers. Don't give discounts on a regular basis, it devalues your product.

Increase the value of your product with additions that compliment the original product. Price your product fairly in terms of both its value and the prices of products of similar value. Value here means 'true worth', not price.

If you do this you will have a satisfied, returning customer base for your goods.

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30. Jan, 2011