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The Biggest After Webinar Mistakes

Great! You just finished a webinar presentation.

I'm not necessarily talking about a multi-week class, I'm just saying you had spoken and presented for sixty to ninety minutes and my webinar is over, and they're all done, right?

Wrong. Many people think that when they finish a webinar, all their job is done but it's really the beginning.

We need to have immediate follow up, long term follow up, and keep your subscribers on that same offer and on that same topic for at least a few days.

What is immediate follow up? I mean that when you present a lesson to people. For example, how to get traffic using forums? At the end of that free training session, you might give them a special URL to go to, an address that can type in another browser and purchase your paid training course.

But the problem with most webinar technology is you cannot push a URL to them and you cannot give them a physical link to click on. You will have to type in the exact URL. And though many people will type that URL, some of them won't buy now. And some of them won't type the URL, and some of them have not even been on your webinar that they don't know to go to this address.

That's why as soon as your webinar is over, you should take the same URL you gave to your webinar attendees and broadcast it to your relevant list of subscribers.

That way, people have a link to click on and people who went to that site but couldn't stay or who didn't attend the webinar at all, have a way of getting to that site and seeing your offer.

But they still might have clicked a not but or they might have missed that email. That's why I'd want you to have a long term follow up and send emails everyday, for five days after the webinar has ended to make sure they see your offer and to make sure they have been given all the various reasons for looking at your offer.

Trust me. People will still buy several days down the road. And several days down the road, you should not switch to a completely different offer.

Too many people who present about form marketing one day and the next day, start talking about AdSense sites. Wait a second, weren't you just talking about forums? Why are you talking about AdSense now?

I want to have a consistent message. I want you to keep talking for the entire week after your webinar is over, telling me reason after reason and benefit and proof and case studies about why I should join this course of yours.

I want you to promote your next webinar training course:

Claim Your Access to Webinar Crusher Now

06. Sep, 2010
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