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Small Changes in Webinars for Big Effects

As the presenter of an online training session or webinar, there are some small things that you can do in order to make your presentation much more effective. They are; the use of vocal pauses, calm presentation and the use of questions.

Many people presenting webinars seem to fall in love with the sound of their own voice; they go on and on with out pause. This can be boring for your audience and is neither effective in getting your information across nor in emphasizing your key points. The use of vocal pauses is a good way to add dramatic effect. It also lets people know when you have made an important point and gives them time to reflect on it. Being comfortable with short pauses is the sign of a professional presenter who feels no need to fill pauses with 'uhm's, you knows and ok's'.

Another sign of a professional presenter is that they do not fidget constantly with their mouse. It is very distracting to the audience too see the mouse cursor flitting about all over the screen. The same holds true for randomly selecting text, moving windows around and other forms of electronic fidgeting. If you were watching a presentation live, you would be distracted if the presenter was constantly making gestures or movements that had no relation to the presentation. Electronic fidgeting with your mouse has the same distracting effect. Keep your hand of your mouse unless you need to change a slide or click on a link. You can get a wireless presentation remote to use during your webinar, that way you don't need to use your mouse at all.

Pausing for questions is important for three reasons.

It allows you to emphasize important points by putting them into question form. It allows you to check if your audience understands your material. It also gives the audience a sense of participation in your webinar and shows that you care about what they are thinking. An additional benefit of pausing for questions is that it gives the audience time to consider the information that has already been presented.

Keep in mind that there are three small changes that can have a very big effect on your webinar presentation.

Use vocal pauses for dramatic effect and to emphasize your key points.

Do not play with, or fidget with, your mouse Use it only as necessary to avoid distracting your audience from your presentation.

Pause for questions. This allows you to reinforce concepts, check that your audience understands your material and gives them a sense of participation.

Present your webinar in a truly professional manner by incorporating these helpful tips.

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25. Jan, 2011
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