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Practicing Your Webinar with Your Friends

For those unfamiliar with webinars, they are live streaming video presentations viewed with the Internet. Learning how to host successful webinars can seem like a tough task, but it can actually be very simple when a few easy tips are followed. Anyone who is preparing to host a webinar should practice before going live. You will want to be sure that nothing important is left out of the PowerPoint slides, and that every aspect of the feature will run smoothly. The most important thing is to sound professional. You want to convince all of your viewers that you know what you are doing. It is strongly advised, therefore, that before hosting a webinar, you have some practice sessions with friends well ahead of time. Try pretending that you are live. Have some self-recording sessions and compare the results to your friend's notes.

When rehearsing for your upcoming webinars, it may be very tempting to gloss over the seemingly less important areas. However, when practicing, it is actually vital to pretend that you are live, on the air. This will help you in your ability to deliver a pristine presentation when it is time for the real thing. If you make any errors in your practice, you will be able to work them out in time for your real performance to be flawless. By doing this, you will nip accidents in the bud before they can ever have the chance to happen to you.

It is vital to have a practice audience for asking questions during your trial runs. When you are practicing alone, it is easy to forget about leaving plenty of space for any question the viewers might ask. Perhaps some of your viewers will even impart something very important to you during the webinar which will slow it down for up to fifteen minutes. Leaving plenty of time for such interruptions can help you to be completely prepared, even if there are no questions asked during the webinar. Try asking your practice audience to ask you a few questions about the presentation for added realism in practice.

Another crucial aspect of practice is to take recordings of yourself. While it is wonderful to practice with friends watching you, recording yourself takes the preparation to an even higher level. You will be able to see and hear yourself as others will see and hear you, giving you the opportunity to make any last-minute improvements in your delivery of the presentation. Try letting someone else watch the video so that they can give you a detailed critique.

One of the special promotions you can try to keep the viewers hooked is to offer the webinar session as a bonus along with whatever is being sold in the presentation. You can also note that if your viewers would like to watch the webinar again or replay any areas of it, they can access it in a members only section. This kind of instant gratification is very attractive to most people and will keep them coming back. Be sure to include such information in your practice runs so that you will not forget to mention it when you are live.

You should always practice as if you are live on the air. Record yourself, have your practicing partner ask questions and leave a fair amount of open space. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, learn everything you need to know about hosting a webinar with:

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12. Jan, 2011
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