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How to Get People to Join Your Paid Webinar Course

So you decided to teach some subject over the internet and you're using live webinars to do it. That way, your students can give you feedback and you can have interaction with everyone in your online class.

It's great that you set all that up, but now, how are you going to get people into that class—by connecting with someone who has a mailing list and traffic, by running a pre-launched sequence, and by running a pitch webinar to kick it all off. The only way you're going to get lots of people or any number of people to join your class is if a lot of people see it. You need traffic. You can't just make one YouTube video or make one blog post and expect everyone to see it. What you need to do is find someone who is in authority in the same subject you're teaching.

Let's say you're running a class on how to create videos. Find someone who is well established in the video creation niche who has a large following, which means they have a big list of emails from people who have chosen to act in to their list, not someone who has rented or bought a mailing list. You want someone who has built a mailing list from scratch and has built a relationship with those subscribers. You'll probably have to offer people some percentage of commission, what's called "affiliate commission" in exchange for mailing your offer.

But it's not enough for them to mail just once. You need a pre-launched sequence. That means you need to send at least five emails to a list to tell them about your upcoming class, to give reasons why your class is the best, to share testimonials and case studies about your own success it worked for you and with other students or people who you've helped create videos.

Just one email will not cut it. It needs to be at least five. And all these emails should be promoting what's called a "pitch webinar". This is a free one-hour webinar where you explain a new show proof that you know how to create and market videos and you will show the results. You will explain some of the process and transition at the end into a way people can join your upcoming course. This way, you are giving them information and value, and building net relationship, and now if they trust you, they can take the next step.

And that's basically how you get people into a webinar course of your very own. Find someone with a list to mail and send traffic. Send traffic multiple times with a pre-launched email sequence, and be sending traffic to a pitch webinar, a webinar where you teach something for free, and then pitch an offer at the end.

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18. Sep, 2010
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