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How To Answer Questions And Handle Hecklers On Your Webinar

You will have different types of personalities among your audience when you run your webinar training sessions live. Expect to find both nice and mean people in your audience. That's just the reality. What do you do when one of the people in your audience becomes rude or loud or asks too many questions? You have an option to ignore, have a laugh or recover.

Plenty of people who I usually see running webinars freeze when asked a single question they have no answer to, or they stop all they are doing to answer only one question, or much worse, they will first read out loud the question without first reading it to themselves. If you have done this when carrying out a live webinar, then you must not respond to all questions or set a question time for you initial several webinars.

Once you have run a number of webinars and you can now easily read questions immediately they come in, always remember that it is not necessary to answer each and every single question most importantly those questions that aren't relevant or if you don't have enough time. If one of your audience mentions or asks something that is valid or relevant, for instance, if they don't believe what you are saying or if you forgot to mention a very important flaw when you are explaining a procedure step-by-step.

For instance, let's say you were giving a live webinar on how to install an autoresponder with AWeber. One of your audiences might ask, "Isn't a certain autoresponder much better than AWeber?" And you will have to answer this question in a funny way explaining why it is irrelevant. A probable answer to this question would be that there may be other types of services that have much better features, but I prefer to demonstrate this particular service because it is the most user friendly for a newbie. Some of your audience might say annoying things but you should just laugh it off. One of my audiences might tell me that I slur my words or explain points too fast and I'll simply admit that it's true.

The last thing that you do if someone in your audience makes a rude remark or asks a rude question is just to recover. You should just admit whatever they remark and simply move on. You may be trying to show your audience how to install an autoresponder and one of the screens that you are using might not be working properly. You can explain to your live audience that they too might come across such a problem and this is what you can do to try and solve it. What you teach on your webinar can be so much more helpful when you encounter a problem and you recover rather than covering it up.

That is basically how you can answer questions and handle hecklers on a webinar. Make a decision whether you will ignore the question, laugh it off or recover from it and simply move on.

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20. Dec, 2010
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