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How Much Of My Webinar Should I Script Out?

When I'm dealing with someone who's new at audio, video, or even live webinar presentations, I always get the question of how am I possibly going to talk about anything for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, even an hour? How much of my webinar should I script out? I'm here to tell you that even though many webinars you attend are scripted and it shows you should not script your webinar. You should create your PowerPoint template to guide the conversation and practice, but don't script because people can tell.

Scripting a live presentation is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard of, especially because you are not getting paid millions of dollars for your broadcast. You're not a professional broadcaster. Too many people write out their whole entire presentation and spend days, if not weeks, preparing for a 1-hour webinar and putting way too much work only to have the script make the webinar worse than it can be. I do understand that you need to stick on a schedule and that you do need to have some kind of notes and that's what the PowerPoint is for. After all, if you were speaking and presenting on stage in person you wouldn't have every single word of your presentation mapped out, would you? You would simply be knowledgeable enough in a subject that a headline and three bullet points per slide is enough to hold you over for three to five minutes, then have your PowerPoint have 10 to 20 slides. And depending on how detailed the bullet points are and how quickly you go through them, you'll easily have an hour of presentation.

You might be asking, "If I don't have my presentation scripted, how am I going to know what to say?" And the answer to that is just simply rehearse and practice. Create your PowerPoint. Go through it as if it were live and that way when it comes time to present it for real, you will be prepared. This way, you will know exactly what you're going to say but it's not going to sound like you're reading off the script because people really can tell if you're reading off the script. I've been on plenty of webinars where there were two presenters and they were both scripted and it sounded so forced and so fake. I know you've been on webinars like those, too. Don't be as bad as them. Don't have a script. Instead, have a PowerPoint presentation and rehearse.

Now that you know not to script your webinar, how do you put together an hour-long presentation that people will not just like, but love? Go to to find out how right now.

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15. Aug, 2010
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