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How Do I Add A Webinar Recording Onto My Blog

You have recorded a live online webinar and you now have a recording. What can you do with it?

Ignoring the possibility of embedding a video on a webpage, you can add your webinar recordings onto your very own blog. This could be a free blog or even better, a protected membership site where only members of your community can see your webinar replays. Luckily, adding video to your blog is very easy.

I use Camtasia to edit and produce my webinar recordings and there is a check blog I can check to generate the HTML or webpage code to embed the video player. Camtasia gives you a special code at the bottom designed for copy and paste. And this means you can directly copy this code and paste it into your latest blog post and instantly, you have your video embedded on your blog.

But there are few issues here. First of all, it's very easy for this to suck up all your bandwidth. Let's say you had 5 videos. Each was 10 Mb in size. You added these as five individual blog posts on your blog. What's going to happen is that even if somebody doesn't play any of the videos, they will all buffer or preload the video contents just in case you want to play them. Because the blogs are going to show all these videos on the front page, this is going to load all five 10 Mb videos at one. Anytime somebody goes to your blog, it's going to use 50 Mb of bandwidth; and eventually, use all of your monthly allowance.

What do you do instead? Use a special feature of WordPress blogs called the "More tag." You might notice that on some blogs, the blog post shows a quick blurb and then has a link that says, "Read more." You have to click on "Read more" to read the rest of the entry. What you do on your blog is you explain what the videos about and add your "More tags" that people have to click into the post itself to watch the video. Then you make the video autoplay so what people end up seeing is the description of the video; they click on "Read more," when they click on that, they load the individual single blog post and the video begins playing. This ensures that people only load videos that they want to see. In that way, they don’t suck up 50 Mb of bandwidth every single time they come to your blog.

And that's how you add a video recording onto your blog: Copy and paste the Camtasia HTML code into your blog post; use the "More tag" so it doesn't preload the video every time somebody visits your blog; and use the autoplay option when you create the video so that when somebody clicks into your post, it begins playing the video automatically.

Watch and be amazed as you look over my shoulder and see me embed webinar recordings into any blog at

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05. Jul, 2010
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