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How Can People Hear My Audio On A Webinar

A webinar which is a web seminar or a live video online learning session allows you to broadcast your screen and your voice to an audience live in realtime.  But how do they hear your voice?  How are you going to broadcast your voice to this group and how are they going to pick it up on the other end?

You can use the Voice Over IP option, call on the phone, or have both.  GoToWebinar by default will try to use the microphone on your computer to hear your voice.  I personally use a Logitech USB headset for my webinar broadcasting and the audio is very decent.  This uses what’s called the Voice Over IP which sounds fancy but all it means is you are recording your voice with the microphone in your computer and it’s broadcasting that sound over the internet along with the picture of your screen.  If you have a microphone for your computer, I definitely recommend using this option.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a headset or for some reason you just can’t get the microphone to work, there is another option.  In your audio settings, you can switch from the computer mic and speakers to a telephone.  They will give you a special phone number to dial, usually a local one in your area, then a special access code and then you can use your telephone to talk to your audience.  The other end of the phone line will be at the webinar service provider and they will just take that audio to send to everyone else.  In addition, if you have other panelists speaking on the line, you can hear their responses over the phone as well.

We’ve talked about how you will send your voice into your webinar, but how will people hear it?  They have the same options as you.  They can choose to hear your voice again whether this is over the computer or phone.  They can choose to hear your voice over their computer or their phone.  It is not dependent on you being on your phone or computer when they hear your message.  They can choose to hear this either over the internet on the computer or they can hear it over the phone and the process is the same.  They dial a special phone number and a special code and then they can hear everything you say.  If you unmute them, they can use their phone to talk as well.

Those are the two simple ways people hear your audio, either over the internet or on the phone.  I definitely recommend you get a USB headset so you can speak over the internet because the quality of your voice will sound much better, but if you don’t have this tool yet, simply use the phone call-in option and that will have to do for now.

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03. Jun, 2010
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