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Get Your Webinar Registrants to Show Up

As someone who makes, or is thinking of making, webinars, you probably already know the benefits of online live presentations. The ability to talk to large groups of people while showing them your products and services is an excellent marketing tool. Let's postulate that you have written and produced a webinar and have made it available for people to register. No matter how brilliant your webinar is, it will not succeed if the people who registered do not show up for the presentation! How do you get them there?

One way to do this is to offer unique information that is not easily available. You should also let registrants know that there will be question and answer segments of the webinar where you will share your knowledge with them in answer to their specific questions. This gives people the incentive to watch the live webinar and not settle for a replay later. Let people know that some of the information presented in the webinar is only going to be available during the live broadcast.

Another method of getting the people that register for your webinar to attend the live broadcast is to make replays available only on a paid membership site. You are under no obligation to give out your hard earned knowledge for free. If people do not want to listen to you present the live broadcast to promote your products and services they should be prepared to pay a fee to access the information offered in the webinar.

You need to remind people that the contents of your webinar are special and are not easily come by elsewhere. Stress the benefits of live interaction such as being able to ask questions and receive an answer specific to you and your question.

Most people lead busy lives and it is very easy for them to get involved in something and forget about watching your webinar live. Convince them that it is worth their while to remember to attend!

Webinars offer one of the best ways for you to present information on your goods and services to large numbers of people at a time. The opportunity to promote your products is diminished if the people who register for your webinar to not show up and participate. Include information that can be difficult to find or that is unique to your webinar. Let people know during registration that this information will only be available during the live broadcast and that replays will only be available at a paid membership site. Emphasize the benefits of having live questions with answers that are specific to their needs.

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11. Dec, 2010
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