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Four Ways To Theme Your Webinar

When you run a webinar, no one can duplicate you. There is so much of your personality in a webinar from hearing your voice, to hearing your speaking style, to showing your screen.
That every webinar you do is totally different from any webinar anyone else can run. You can theme your webinar with your own logo, theme song, your name in the title, and a
repeated day and time.

If your sales letter already has some kind of logo, and it should, you can make that a part of the branding of your webinar. When you create a webinar with gotowebinar, you can upload a logo.
That when someone goes to register or join, they see that logo on the sign up page, even though it is not on your site. This is good for you because the competition is getting tougher and tougher.
And this way everytime somebody sees your logo, they know that they'd better attend, they'd better listen, and they'd better do what you tell them to do at the end.

You can obtain different mp3 music loops at sites like istockphoto or even have your own one made. Even a simple 10 to 30 second audio loop is something you can tack on to the beginning and end of
your webinar recording. This goes back to branding. When someone watches the replay of your webinar, they hear that same theme song every time. This is an easy but subtle way to always look more
professional and it hardly costs you any money and hardly takes any extra time. It's just one extra step in the editing process after you have your recording.

Place your name in the title of your webinar. People used to not realize who I was until I started adding my name to the ends of my products. For example, Sales Page Tactics with Robert Plank. That's all one title.
Think of T.V. shows such as the Tonight's Show with Conan O'Brien. You could come up with all the goofy names that you want but when you have your name in the title, people will always remember who you are.

And finally, run your webinars at the same day and time. I know one marketer in particular who always runs webinars on Wednesdays at noon. That means, if I ever see someone else running a webinar on Wednesdays at noon,
I'd automatically think back to the other guy who runs way more webinars. And I say I know who's webinar I am going to go to instead, who's going to over-ride who. The guy who I know runs the most webinars.
Pick a time slot and stick to it. Again, this is how TV shows work, they're always on the same day of the week, at the same time. That way they capture the same audience over and over again.

And those were four ways to theme your webinar. Use a logo, theme song, your name in the title and repeat the day and time.

Run your very own webinars on a consistent basis easier than you ever thought possible.

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04. Sep, 2010
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