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A Closing for Your Webinar Course

Your one or two month training course has just concluded or maybe you are just beginning the course but still haven't figured out how you will close off the course in style. At the end of your webinar class, be sure to carry out an evaluation, a get together of some sorts, keeping in mind that you are setting the stage for the next webinar.

Effective learning must give room for interaction and allow students to ask questions, and at the end of it all assessment must be done to evaluate how much knowledge the students have acquired from your training. Your webinar course should take these factors into account and make sure in the last weeks of learning; an evaluation is done to determine what has been learnt.

Webinar technology allows you to do this simply by looking at the submissions that students have made or sharing your screen and showing them how to go about a particular subject matter. For example if your training is about email list building, you can share your screen with the students to demonstrate to each student how their submissions appear on your end and advise accordingly. Also you could give them access to the screen to allow each one to demonstrate their work then you could go ahead and use the auto-responder campaign to instruct them on what corrections to make.

Make an effort to meet with your students one month after the evaluation. The reasoning here is that within this time they would have gone out and applied what you taught them in class and you can now have a chance to re-evaluate the effectiveness. Apart from that, they are also your best clients and your desire would be to sell them the idea of attending your next course. One month is a reasonable period to allow the students to get together and share their experiences on how they have applied the knowledge acquired in your classes. An opportunity presents itself here to put together an introductory offer for your next course which you can mention during this reunion.

In some instances, you may find people who are interested in joining the next classes immediately. This would be very good news for you and you should seize the opportunity to pitch in for your upcoming classes. At the end of the day, the knowledge you imparted ended up being more valuable than the amount of money that the students paid to attend your classes. Therefore, it would be perfectly fine if you were to offer them more knowledge that would end up benefitting them in the long run irrespective of the amount of money they pay you to train them.

That would be a magnificent closing for your course i.e. an evaluation week, a one month break then a reunion where you will pitch in for your next webinar classes.

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27. Dec, 2010
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